Instrument Proficiency Bootcamp is a stress-free but, intensive program designed to give instrument pilots the confidence to file and fly IFR. If you have an instrument rating but you hesitate to fly in IMC, this is for you.
What is it?
Instrument Proficiency Bootcamp is a dynamic intensive training program, which drills the essential theory and hands-on techniques required to master real instrument flying. We will teach you skills to ace what you need to know in the real world of IFR flying; we keep it simple, to allow you to see the big picture, no unnecessary information will be taught.
How does it work?
Through aircraft training and in the classroom, you will be exposed to all phases of flying in the IFR system, using strictly real-world scenarios. When flying, you will be communicating with ATC in actual weather, and mastering simple and complex instrument procedures. It can be conducted in your aircraft or ours and is reinforced by comprehensive briefings and de-briefings delivered by our experienced CFIIs.
We offer two programs depending on your experience level:
1.- Basic Instrument Proficiency Bootcamp program
Dedicated to the instrument rated pilot who seeks to regain IFR proficiency after a period of inactivity. An Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC) will be awarded at the completion of this program.
2.- Advanced Instrument Proficiency Bootcamp program
This program is especially designed for the competent instrument rated pilot who seeks to progress to the highest level of IFR proficiency. Advanced techniques such as vertical navigation, crossing restrictions, convective weather avoidance; operations in icing conditions, international operations, and class B airspace will be introduced and practiced to mastery. An Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC) will be awarded at the completion of this program.
Attending our Instrument Proficiency Bootcamp will not only bring you to currency but most importantly, we will make you a fearless and accomplished instrument pilot. Sign up now!
How much does it cost?
Contact us for pricing and availability. Starting at $800 (based on a Cirrus SR20 Perspective and average proficiency)
This program could be easily accomplished in a weekend. If you are from out of town, fly in to our facility or let us come to yours. Start mastering the skills needed to fly like a pro whether it’s in a Cessna, Cirrus or Citation.
To PURCHASE & schedule your class contact goldstandardaviation.miami@gmail.com, call 305 804-2166. Do not purchase online.
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