What bad habit says you might be a risky pilot?
The FAA Airplane Flying Handbook says most accidents, incidents, and violations occur during the taxi phase of flight. It instructs us to use the throttle (not the brakes if possible) to maintain proper taxi speed. Reduce power to slow down and add power to speed up. Brakes during taxi are to be used for sudden stops, strong tailwinds, or when sloping terrain make it impossible to slow down or stop. The FAA Airplane Flying Handbook says “taxi speed should be at a rate where movement of the airplane is dependent on the throttle—that is, slow enough so when the throttle is closed, the airplane can be stopped promptly”.
The first indication to whether a flight might be a risky one or not depends on where the throttle hand is placed during taxi. Positioning the throttle hand on your lap (not the throttle) could place the flight in jeopardy if a sudden change in taxi speed or a stop is necessary to avoid an accident or prevent an incident or violation. Keeping your hand on the throttle allows you to maintain positive aircraft control at all times.
Fly safe friends

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