Have you ever told tower you are “ready for takeoff” or “ready to land”? ATC would prefer you to say “request northwest departure” or “request full stop”. The words “takeoff” and “landing” are sacred in the eyes of the FAA...
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Have you ever requested “the option” when approaching the runway? “The option” is an automatic clearance for any approach termination such as full stop, touch and go, low approach, or stop and go. When given a clearance for “the option”...
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Ever wonder how many hours are required to truly be proficient after adding an instrument rating, multiengine rating, seaplane rating or tail wheel endorsement to your pilot certificate? Well, the airlines treat newly rated crew members as a “high minimums...
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“Get low or slow on one engine and the checkride is over” This is one of several admonitions (warnings) examiners brief multiengine applicants on prior to the flight portion of the Practical Test. Understanding the critical and likely irrecoverable nature...
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Do you immediately think “he must have run out of gas” when you see an airplane make or attempt to make an unpowered landing on an open field, highway, golf course, etc? Most people do assume that. Every day, numerous...
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